
class Array

Array base type Immutable data array with some logical type and some length.

Any memory is owned by the respective Buffer instance (or its parents).

The base class is only required to have a null bitmap buffer if the null count is greater than 0

If known, the null count can be provided in the base Array constructor. If the null count is not known, pass -1 to indicate that the null count is to be computed on the first call to null_count()

Subclassed by arrow::DictionaryArray, arrow::ExtensionArray, arrow::FlatArray, arrow::ListArray, arrow::StructArray, arrow::UnionArray

Public Functions

bool IsNull(int64_t i) const

Return true if value at index is null. Does not boundscheck.

bool IsValid(int64_t i) const

Return true if value at index is valid (not null).

Does not boundscheck

int64_t length() const

Size in the number of elements this array contains.

int64_t offset() const

A relative position into another array’s data, to enable zero-copy slicing.

This value defaults to zero

int64_t null_count() const

The number of null entries in the array.

If the null count was not known at time of construction (and set to a negative value), then the null count will be computed and cached on the first invocation of this function

std::shared_ptr<Buffer> null_bitmap() const

Buffer for the null bitmap.

Note that for null_count == 0, this can be null. This buffer does not account for any slice offset

const uint8_t *null_bitmap_data() const

Raw pointer to the null bitmap.

Note that for null_count == 0, this can be null. This buffer does not account for any slice offset

bool RangeEquals(int64_t start_idx, int64_t end_idx, int64_t other_start_idx, const std::shared_ptr<Array> &other) const

Compare if the range of slots specified are equal for the given array and this array.

end_idx exclusive. This methods does not bounds check.

std::shared_ptr<Array> Slice(int64_t offset, int64_t length) const

Construct a zero-copy slice of the array with the indicated offset and length.

a new object wrapped in std::shared_ptr<Array>
  • offset: the position of the first element in the constructed slice
  • length: the length of the slice. If there are not enough elements in the array, the length will be adjusted accordingly

std::shared_ptr<Array> Slice(int64_t offset) const

Slice from offset until end of the array.

std::string ToString() const

PrettyPrint representation of array suitable for debugging

Concrete array subclasses

class DictionaryArray : public arrow::Array

Concrete Array class for dictionary data.

A dictionary array contains an array of non-negative integers (the “dictionary indices”) along with a data type containing a “dictionary” corresponding to the distinct values represented in the data.

For example, the array

[“foo”, “bar”, “foo”, “bar”, “foo”, “bar”]

with dictionary [“bar”, “foo”], would have dictionary array representation

indices: [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] dictionary: [“bar”, “foo”]

The indices in principle may have any integer type (signed or unsigned), though presently data in IPC exchanges must be signed int32.

Public Functions

Status Transpose(MemoryPool *pool, const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &type, const std::vector<int32_t> &transpose_map, std::shared_ptr<Array> *out) const

Transpose this DictionaryArray.

This method constructs a new dictionary array with the given dictionary type, transposing indices using the transpose map. The type and the transpose map are typically computed using DictionaryType::Unify.

  • pool: a pool to allocate the array data from
  • type: a dictionary type
  • transpose_map: a vector transposing this array’s indices into the target array’s indices
  • out: the resulting DictionaryArray instance

Public Static Functions

static Status FromArrays(const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &type, const std::shared_ptr<Array> &indices, std::shared_ptr<Array> *out)

Construct DictionaryArray from dictionary data type and indices array.

This function does the validation of the indices and input type. It checks if all indices are non-negative and smaller than the size of the dictionary

  • type: a dictionary type
  • indices: an array of non-negative signed integers smaller than the size of the dictionary
  • out: the resulting DictionaryArray instance


class FlatArray : public arrow::Array

Base class for non-nested arrays.

Subclassed by arrow::BinaryArray, arrow::NullArray, arrow::PrimitiveArray

class NullArray : public arrow::FlatArray

Degenerate null type Array.

class BinaryArray : public arrow::FlatArray

Concrete Array class for variable-size binary data.

Subclassed by arrow::StringArray

Public Functions

const uint8_t *GetValue(int64_t i, int32_t *out_length) const

Return the pointer to the given elements bytes.

util::string_view GetView(int64_t i) const

Get binary value as a string_view.

the view over the selected value
  • i: the value index

std::string GetString(int64_t i) const

Get binary value as a std::string.

the value copied into a std::string
  • i: the value index

std::shared_ptr<Buffer> value_offsets() const

Note that this buffer does not account for any slice offset.

std::shared_ptr<Buffer> value_data() const

Note that this buffer does not account for any slice offset.

class StringArray : public arrow::BinaryArray

Concrete Array class for variable-size string (utf-8) data.

class PrimitiveArray : public arrow::FlatArray

Base class for arrays of fixed-size logical types.

Subclassed by arrow::BooleanArray, arrow::FixedSizeBinaryArray, arrow::NumericArray< TYPE >

Public Functions

std::shared_ptr<Buffer> values() const

Does not account for any slice offset.

class BooleanArray : public arrow::PrimitiveArray

Concrete Array class for boolean data.

class FixedSizeBinaryArray : public arrow::PrimitiveArray

Concrete Array class for fixed-size binary data.

Subclassed by arrow::Decimal128Array

class Decimal128Array : public arrow::FixedSizeBinaryArray

Concrete Array class for 128-bit decimal data.

Public Functions

Decimal128Array(const std::shared_ptr<ArrayData> &data)

Construct Decimal128Array from ArrayData instance.

template <typename TYPE>
class NumericArray : public arrow::PrimitiveArray

Concrete Array class for numeric data.


class UnionArray : public arrow::Array

Concrete Array class for union data.

Public Functions

std::shared_ptr<Buffer> type_ids() const

Note that this buffer does not account for any slice offset.

std::shared_ptr<Buffer> value_offsets() const

Note that this buffer does not account for any slice offset.

const Array *UnsafeChild(int pos) const

Only use this while the UnionArray is in scope.

Public Static Functions

static Status MakeDense(const Array &type_ids, const Array &value_offsets, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Array>> &children, std::shared_ptr<Array> *out)

Construct Dense UnionArray from types_ids, value_offsets and children.

This function does the bare minimum of validation of the offsets and input types. The value_offsets are assumed to be well-formed.

  • type_ids: An array of 8-bit signed integers, enumerated from 0 corresponding to each type.
  • value_offsets: An array of signed int32 values indicating the relative offset into the respective child array for the type in a given slot. The respective offsets for each child value array must be in order / increasing.
  • children: Vector of children Arrays containing the data for each type.
  • out: Will have length equal to value_offsets.length()

static Status MakeSparse(const Array &type_ids, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Array>> &children, std::shared_ptr<Array> *out)

Construct Sparse UnionArray from type_ids and children.

This function does the bare minimum of validation of the offsets and input types.

  • type_ids: An array of 8-bit signed integers, enumerated from 0 corresponding to each type.
  • children: Vector of children Arrays containing the data for each type.
  • out: Will have length equal to type_ids.length()

class ListArray : public arrow::Array

Concrete Array class for list data.

Public Functions

std::shared_ptr<Array> values() const

Return array object containing the list’s values.

std::shared_ptr<Buffer> value_offsets() const

Note that this buffer does not account for any slice offset.

const int32_t *raw_value_offsets() const

Return pointer to raw value offsets accounting for any slice offset.

Public Static Functions

static Status FromArrays(const Array &offsets, const Array &values, MemoryPool *pool, std::shared_ptr<Array> *out)

Construct ListArray from array of offsets and child value array.

This function does the bare minimum of validation of the offsets and input types, and will allocate a new offsets array if necessary (i.e. if the offsets contain any nulls). If the offsets do not have nulls, they are assumed to be well-formed

  • offsets: Array containing n + 1 offsets encoding length and size. Must be of int32 type
  • values: Array containing
  • pool: MemoryPool in case new offsets array needs to be allocated because of null values
  • out: Will have length equal to offsets.length() - 1

class StructArray : public arrow::Array

Concrete Array class for struct data.

Public Functions

std::shared_ptr<Array> GetFieldByName(const std::string &name) const

Returns null if name not found.

Status Flatten(MemoryPool *pool, ArrayVector *out) const

Flatten this array as a vector of arrays, one for each field.

  • pool: The pool to allocate null bitmaps from, if necessary
  • out: The resulting vector of arrays

Chunked Arrays

class ChunkedArray

A data structure managing a list of primitive Arrow arrays logically as one large array.

Public Functions

ChunkedArray(const ArrayVector &chunks)

Construct a chunked array from a vector of arrays.

The vector should be non-empty and all its elements should have the same data type.

ChunkedArray(const std::shared_ptr<Array> &chunk)

Construct a chunked array from a single Array.

ChunkedArray(const ArrayVector &chunks, const std::shared_ptr<DataType> &type)

Construct a chunked array from a vector of arrays and a data type.

As the data type is passed explicitly, the vector may be empty.

int64_t length() const

the total length of the chunked array; computed on construction

int64_t null_count() const

the total number of nulls among all chunks

std::shared_ptr<Array> chunk(int i) const

chunk a particular chunk from the chunked array

std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> Slice(int64_t offset, int64_t length) const

Construct a zero-copy slice of the chunked array with the indicated offset and length.

a new object wrapped in std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>
  • offset: the position of the first element in the constructed slice
  • length: the length of the slice. If there are not enough elements in the chunked array, the length will be adjusted accordingly

std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> Slice(int64_t offset) const

Slice from offset until end of the chunked array.

Status Flatten(MemoryPool *pool, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray>> *out) const

Flatten this chunked array as a vector of chunked arrays, one for each struct field.

  • pool: The pool for buffer allocations, if any
  • out: The resulting vector of arrays

bool Equals(const ChunkedArray &other) const

Determine if two chunked arrays are equal.

Two chunked arrays can be equal only if they have equal datatypes. However, they may be equal even if they have different chunkings.

bool Equals(const std::shared_ptr<ChunkedArray> &other) const

Determine if two chunked arrays are equal.