.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one .. or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file .. distributed with this work for additional information .. regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file .. to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the .. "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance .. with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at .. http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, .. software distributed under the License is distributed on an .. "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY .. KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the .. specific language governing permissions and limitations .. under the License. .. _cpp-development: *************** C++ Development *************** System setup ============ Arrow uses CMake as a build configuration system. We recommend building out-of-source. If you are not familiar with this terminology: * **In-source build**: ``cmake`` is invoked directly from the ``cpp`` directory. This can be inflexible when you wish to maintain multiple build environments (e.g. one for debug builds and another for release builds) * **Out-of-source build**: ``cmake`` is invoked from another directory, creating an isolated build environment that does not interact with any other build environment. For example, you could create ``cpp/build-debug`` and invoke ``cmake $CMAKE_ARGS ..`` from this directory Building requires: * A C++11-enabled compiler. On Linux, gcc 4.8 and higher should be sufficient. For Windows, at least Visual Studio 2015 is required. * CMake 3.2 or higher * Boost * ``bison`` and ``flex`` (for building Apache Thrift from source only, an Apache Parquet dependency.) Running the unit tests using ``ctest`` requires: * python On Ubuntu/Debian you can install the requirements with: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt-get install \ autoconf \ build-essential \ cmake \ libboost-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev \ libboost-regex-dev \ libboost-system-dev \ python \ bison \ flex On Alpine Linux: .. code-block:: shell apk add autoconf \ bash \ boost-dev \ cmake \ g++ \ gcc \ make On macOS, you can use `Homebrew `_. .. code-block:: shell git clone https://github.com/apache/arrow.git cd arrow brew update && brew bundle --file=c_glib/Brewfile Building ======== The build system uses ``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release`` by default, so if this argument is omitted then a release build will be produced. Minimal release build: .. code-block:: shell git clone https://github.com/apache/arrow.git cd arrow/cpp mkdir release cd release cmake -DARROW_BUILD_TESTS=ON .. make unittest Minimal debug build: .. code-block:: shell git clone https://github.com/apache/arrow.git cd arrow/cpp mkdir debug cd debug cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DARROW_BUILD_TESTS=ON .. make unittest If you do not need to build the test suite, you can omit the ``ARROW_BUILD_TESTS`` option (the default is not to build the unit tests). On some Linux distributions, running the test suite might require setting an explicit locale. If you see any locale-related errors, try setting the environment variable (which requires the `locales` package or equivalent): .. code-block:: shell export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" Optional Components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, the C++ build system creates a fairly minimal build. We have several optional system components which you can opt into building by passing boolean flags to ``cmake``. * ``-DARROW_CUDA=ON``: CUDA integration for GPU development. Depends on NVIDIA CUDA toolkit. The CUDA toolchain used to build the library can be customized by using the ``$CUDA_HOME`` environment variable. * ``-DARROW_FLIGHT=ON``: Arrow Flight RPC system, which depends at least on gRPC * ``-DARROW_GANDIVA=ON``: Gandiva expression compiler, depends on LLVM, Protocol Buffers, and re2 * ``-DARROW_HDFS=ON``: Arrow integration with libhdfs for accessing the Hadoop Filesystem * ``-DARROW_HIVESERVER2=ON``: Client library for HiveServer2 database protocol * ``-DARROW_ORC=ON``: Arrow integration with Apache ORC * ``-DARROW_PARQUET=ON``: Apache Parquet libraries and Arrow integration * ``-DARROW_PLASMA=ON``: Plasma Shared Memory Object Store * ``-DARROW_PLASMA_JAVA_CLIENT=ON``: Build Java client for Plasma * ``-DARROW_PYTHON=ON``: Arrow Python C++ integration library (required for building pyarrow). This library must be built against the same Python version for which you are building pyarrow, e.g. Python 2.7 or Python 3.6. NumPy must also be installed. Some features of the core Arrow shared library can be switched off for improved build times if they are not required for your application: * ``-DARROW_COMPUTE=ON``: build the in-memory analytics module * ``-DARROW_IPC=ON``: build the IPC extensions (requiring Flatbuffers) CMake version requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While we support CMake 3.2 and higher, some features require a newer version of CMake: * Building the benchmarks requires 3.6 or higher * Building zstd from source requires 3.7 or higher * Building Gandiva JNI bindings requires 3.11 or higher LLVM and Clang Tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are currently using LLVM 7 for library builds and for other developer tools such as code formatting with ``clang-format``. LLVM can be installed via most modern package managers (apt, yum, conda, Homebrew, chocolatey). Build Dependency Management =========================== The build system supports a number of third-party dependencies * ``BOOST``: for cross-platform support * ``BROTLI``: for data compression * ``double-conversion``: for text-to-numeric conversions * ``Snappy``: for data compression * ``gflags``: for command line utilities (formerly Googleflags) * ``glog``: for logging * ``Thrift``: Apache Thrift, for data serialization * ``Protobuf``: Google Protocol Buffers, for data serialization * ``GTEST``: Googletest, for testing * ``benchmark``: Google benchmark, for testing * ``RapidJSON``: for data serialization * ``Flatbuffers``: for data serialization * ``ZLIB``: for data compression * ``BZip2``: for data compression * ``LZ4``: for data compression * ``ZSTD``: for data compression * ``RE2``: for regular expressions * ``gRPC``: for remote procedure calls * ``c-ares``: a dependency of gRPC * ``LLVM``: a dependency of Gandiva The CMake option ``ARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE`` is a global option that instructs the build system how to resolve each dependency. There are a few options: * ``AUTO``: try to find package in the system default locations and build from source if not found * ``BUNDLED``: Building the dependency automatically from source * ``SYSTEM``: Finding the dependency in system paths using CMake's built-in ``find_package`` function, or using ``pkg-config`` for packages that do not have this feature * ``BREW``: Use Homebrew default paths as an alternative ``SYSTEM`` path * ``CONDA``: Use ``$CONDA_PREFIX`` as alternative ``SYSTEM`` PATH The default method is ``AUTO`` unless you are developing within an active conda environment (detected by presence of the ``$CONDA_PREFIX`` environment variable), in which case it is ``CONDA``. Individual Dependency Resolution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While `-DARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE=$SOURCE`` sets a global default for all packages, the resolution strategy can be overridden for individual packages by setting ``-D$PACKAGE_NAME_SOURCE=..``. For example, to build Protocol Buffers from source, set .. code-block:: shell -DProtobuf_SOURCE=BUNDLED This variable is unfortunately case-sensitive; the name used for each package is listed above, but the most up-to-date listing can be found in `cpp/cmake_modules/ThirdpartyToolchain.cmake `_. Bundled Dependency Versions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using the ``BUNDLED`` method to build a dependency from source, the version number from ``cpp/thirdparty/versions.txt`` is used. There is also a dependency source downloader script (see below), which can be used to set up offline builds. Setting the Boost path ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Offline Builds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you do not use the above variables to direct the Arrow build system to preinstalled dependencies, they will be built automatically by the build system. The source archive for each dependency will be downloaded via the internet, which can cause issues in environments with limited access to the internet. To enable offline builds, you can download the source artifacts yourself and use environment variables of the form ``ARROW_$LIBRARY_URL`` to direct the build system to read from a local file rather than accessing the internet. To make this easier for you, we have prepared a script ``thirdparty/download_dependencies.sh`` which will download the correct version of each dependency to a directory of your choosing. It will print a list of bash-style environment variable statements at the end to use for your build script. .. code-block:: shell # Download tarballs into $HOME/arrow-thirdparty $ ./thirdparty/download_dependencies.sh $HOME/arrow-thirdparty You can then invoke CMake to create the build directory and it will use the declared environment variable pointing to downloaded archives instead of downloading them (one for each build dir!). General C++ Development ======================= This section provides information for developers who wish to contribute to the C++ codebase. .. note:: Since most of the project's developers work on Linux or macOS, not all features or developer tools are uniformly supported on Windows. If you are on Windows, have a look at the later section on Windows development. Code Style, Linting, and CI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This project follows `Google's C++ Style Guide `_ with minor exceptions: * We relax the line length restriction to 90 characters. * We use doxygen style comments ("///") instead of line comments ("//") in header files. * We use the ``NULLPTR`` macro in header files (instead of ``nullptr``) defined in ``src/arrow/util/macros.h`` to support building C++/CLI (ARROW-1134) Our continuous integration builds in Travis CI and Appveyor run the unit test suites on a variety of platforms and configuration, including using ``valgrind`` to check for memory leaks or bad memory accesses. In addition, the codebase is subjected to a number of code style and code cleanliness checks. In order to have a passing CI build, your modified git branch must pass the following checks: * C++ builds without compiler warnings with ``-DBUILD_WARNING_LEVEL=CHECKIN`` * C++ unit test suite with valgrind enabled, use ``-DARROW_TEST_MEMCHECK=ON`` when invoking CMake * Passes cpplint checks, checked with ``make lint`` * Conforms to ``clang-format`` style, checked with ``make check-format`` * Passes C++/CLI header file checks, invoked with ``cpp/build-support/lint_cpp_cli.py cpp/src`` * CMake files pass style checks, can be fixed by running ``run-cmake-format.py`` from the root of the repository. This requires Python 3 and `cmake_format `_ (note: this currently does not work on Windows) In order to account for variations in the behavior of ``clang-format`` between major versions of LLVM, we pin the version of ``clang-format`` used (current LLVM 7). Depending on how you installed clang-format, the build system may not be able to find it. You can provide an explicit path to your LLVM installation (or the root path for the clang tools) with the environment variable `$CLANG_TOOLS_PATH` or by passing ``-DClangTools_PATH=$PATH_TO_CLANG_TOOLS`` when invoking CMake. To make linting more reproducible for everyone, we provide a ``docker-compose`` target that is executable from the root of the repository: .. code-block:: shell docker-compose run lint See :ref:`integration` for more information about the project's ``docker-compose`` configuration. Modular Build Targets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since there are several major parts of the C++ project, we have provided modular CMake targets for building each library component, group of unit tests and benchmarks, and their dependencies: * ``make arrow`` for Arrow core libraries * ``make parquet`` for Parquet libraries * ``make gandiva`` for Gandiva (LLVM expression compiler) libraries * ``make plasma`` for Plasma libraries, server To build the unit tests or benchmarks, add ``-tests`` or ``-benchmarks`` to the target name. So ``make arrow-tests`` will build the Arrow core unit tests. Using the ``-all`` target, e.g. ``parquet-all``, will build everything. If you wish to only build and install one or more project subcomponents, we have provided the CMake option ``ARROW_OPTIONAL_INSTALL`` to only install targets that have been built. For example, if you only wish to build the Parquet libraries, its tests, and its dependencies, you can run: .. code-block:: shell cmake .. -DARROW_PARQUET=ON \ -DARROW_OPTIONAL_INSTALL=ON \ -DARROW_BUILD_TESTS=ON make parquet make install If you omit an explicit target when invoking ``make``, all targets will be built. Building API Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ While we publish the API documentation as part of the main Sphinx-based documentation site, you can also build the C++ API documentation anytime using Doxygen. Run the following command from the ``cpp/apidoc`` directory: .. code-block:: shell doxygen Doxyfile This requires `Doxygen `_ to be installed. Benchmarking ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow the directions for simple build except run cmake with the ``ARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS`` parameter set to ``ON``: .. code-block:: shell cmake -DARROW_BUILD_TESTS=ON -DARROW_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON .. and instead of make unittest run either ``make; ctest`` to run both unit tests and benchmarks or ``make benchmark`` to run only the benchmarks. Benchmark logs will be placed in the build directory under ``build/benchmark-logs``. You can also invoke a single benchmark executable directly: .. code-block:: shell ./release/arrow-builder-benchmark The build system uses ``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release`` by default which enables compiler optimizations. It is also recommended to disable CPU throttling or such hardware features as "Turbo Boost" to obtain more consistent and comparable. benchmark results Testing with LLVM AddressSanitizer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To use AddressSanitizer (ASAN) to find bad memory accesses or leaks with LLVM, pass ``-DARROW_USE_ASAN=ON`` when building. You must use clang to compile with ASAN, and ``ARROW_USE_ASAN`` is mutually-exclusive with the valgrind option ``ARROW_TEST_MEMCHECK``. Fuzz testing with libfuzzer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fuzzers can help finding unhandled exceptions and problems with untrusted input that may lead to crashes, security issues and undefined behavior. They do this by generating random input data and observing the behavior of the executed code. To build the fuzzer code, LLVM is required (GCC-based compilers won't work). You can build them using the following code: cmake -DARROW_FUZZING=ON -DARROW_USE_ASAN=ON .. ``ARROW_FUZZING`` will enable building of fuzzer executables as well as enable the addition of coverage helpers via ``ARROW_USE_COVERAGE``, so that the fuzzer can observe the program execution. It is also wise to enable some sanitizers like ``ARROW_USE_ASAN`` (see above), which activates the address sanitizer. This way, we ensure that bad memory operations provoked by the fuzzer will be found early. You may also enable other sanitizers as well. Just keep in mind that some of them do not work together and some may result in very long execution times, which will slow down the fuzzing procedure. Now you can start one of the fuzzer, e.g.: ./debug/debug/ipc-fuzzing-test This will try to find a malformed input that crashes the payload and will show the stack trace as well as the input data. After a problem was found this way, it should be reported and fixed. Usually, the fuzzing process cannot be continued until the fix is applied, since the fuzzer usually converts to the problem again. If you build fuzzers with ASAN, you need to set the ``ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH`` environment variable to the absolute path of ``llvm-symbolizer``, which is a tool that ships with LLVM. .. code-block:: shell export ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$(type -p llvm-symbolizer) Note that some fuzzer builds currently reject paths with a version qualifier (like ``llvm-sanitizer-5.0``). To overcome this, set an appropriate symlink (here, when using LLVM 5.0): .. code-block:: shell ln -sf /usr/bin/llvm-sanitizer-5.0 /usr/bin/llvm-sanitizer There are some problems that may occur during the compilation process: - libfuzzer was not distributed with your LLVM: ``ld: file not found: .../libLLVMFuzzer.a`` - your LLVM is too old: ``clang: error: unsupported argument 'fuzzer' to option 'fsanitize='`` Extra debugging help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use the CMake option ``-DARROW_EXTRA_ERROR_CONTEXT=ON`` it will compile the libraries with extra debugging information on error checks inside the ``RETURN_NOT_OK`` macro. In unit tests with ``ASSERT_OK``, this will yield error outputs like: .. code-block:: shell ../src/arrow/ipc/ipc-read-write-test.cc:609: Failure Failed NotImplemented: ../src/arrow/ipc/ipc-read-write-test.cc:574 code: writer->WriteRecordBatch(batch) ../src/arrow/ipc/writer.cc:778 code: CheckStarted() ../src/arrow/ipc/writer.cc:755 code: schema_writer.Write(&dictionaries_) ../src/arrow/ipc/writer.cc:730 code: WriteSchema() ../src/arrow/ipc/writer.cc:697 code: WriteSchemaMessage(schema_, dictionary_memo_, &schema_fb) ../src/arrow/ipc/metadata-internal.cc:651 code: SchemaToFlatbuffer(fbb, schema, dictionary_memo, &fb_schema) ../src/arrow/ipc/metadata-internal.cc:598 code: FieldToFlatbuffer(fbb, *schema.field(i), dictionary_memo, &offset) ../src/arrow/ipc/metadata-internal.cc:508 code: TypeToFlatbuffer(fbb, *field.type(), &children, &layout, &type_enum, dictionary_memo, &type_offset) Unable to convert type: decimal(19, 4) Deprecations and API Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We use the compiler definition ``ARROW_NO_DEPRECATED_API`` to disable APIs that have been deprecated. It is a good practice to compile third party applications with this flag to proactively catch and account for API changes. Cleaning includes with include-what-you-use (IWYU) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We occasionally use Google's `include-what-you-use `_ tool, also known as IWYU, to remove unnecessary imports. Since setting up IWYU can be a bit tedious, we provide a ``docker-compose`` target for running it on the C++ codebase: .. code-block:: shell make -f Makefile.docker build-iwyu docker-compose run lint Checking for ABI and API stability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build ABI compliance reports, you need to install the two tools ``abi-dumper`` and ``abi-compliance-checker``. Build Arrow C++ in Debug mode, alternatively you could use ``-Og`` which also builds with the necessary symbols but includes a bit of code optimization. Once the build has finished, you can generate ABI reports using: .. code-block:: shell abi-dumper -lver 9 debug/libarrow.so -o ABI-9.dump The above version number is freely selectable. As we want to compare versions, you should now ``git checkout`` the version you want to compare it to and re-run the above command using a different version number. Once both reports are generated, you can build a comparision report using .. code-block:: shell abi-compliance-checker -l libarrow -d1 ABI-PY-9.dump -d2 ABI-PY-10.dump The report is then generated in ``compat_reports/libarrow`` as a HTML. Developing on Windows ===================== Like Linux and macOS, we have worked to enable builds to work "out of the box" with CMake for a reasonably large subset of the project. System Setup ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Microsoft provides the free Visual Studio Community edition. When doing development in teh the shell, you must initialize the development environment. For Visual Studio 2015, execute the following batch script: .. code-block:: shell "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 For Visual Studio 2017, the script is: .. code-block:: shell "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=amd64 One can configure a console emulator like `cmder `_ to automatically launch this when starting a new development console. Using conda-forge for build dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `Miniconda `_ is a minimal Python distribution including the `conda `_ package manager. Some memers of the Apache Arrow community participate in the maintenance of `conda-forge `_, a community-maintained cross-platform package repository for conda. To use ``conda-forge`` for your C++ build dependencies on Windows, first download and install a 64-bit distribution from the `Miniconda homepage `_ To configure ``conda`` to use the ``conda-forge`` channel by default, launch a command prompt (``cmd.exe``) and run the command: .. code-block:: shell conda config --add channels conda-forge Now, you can bootstrap a build environment (call from the root directory of the Arrow codebase): .. code-block:: shell conda create -y -n arrow-dev --file=ci\conda_env_cpp.yml Then "activate" this conda environment with: .. code-block:: shell activate arrow-dev If the environment has been activated, the Arrow build system will automatically see the ``%CONDA_PREFIX%`` environment variable and use that for resolving the build dependencies. This is equivalent to setting .. code-block:: shell -DARROW_DEPENDENCY_SOURCE=SYSTEM ^ -DARROW_PACKAGE_PREFIX=%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library Note that these packages are only supported for release builds. If you intend to use ``-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug`` then you must build the packages from source. .. note:: If you run into any problems using conda packages for dependencies, a very common problem is mixing packages from the ``defaults`` channel with those from ``conda-forge``. You can examine the installed packages in your environment (and their origin) with ``conda list`` Building using Visual Studio (MSVC) Solution Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change working directory in ``cmd.exe`` to the root directory of Arrow and do an out of source build by generating a MSVC solution: .. code-block:: shell cd cpp mkdir build cd build cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" .. cmake --build . --config Release Building with Ninja and clcache ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `Ninja `_ build system offsets better build parallelization, and the optional `clcache `_ compiler cache which keeps track of past compilations to avoid running them over and over again (in a way similar to the Unix-specific ``ccache``). Activate your conda build environment to first install those utilities: .. code-block:: shell activate arrow-dev conda install -c conda-forge ninja pip install git+https://github.com/frerich/clcache.git Change working directory in ``cmd.exe`` to the root directory of Arrow and do an out of source build by generating Ninja files: .. code-block:: shell cd cpp mkdir build cd build cmake -G "Ninja" .. cmake --build . --config Release Building with NMake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change working directory in ``cmd.exe`` to the root directory of Arrow and do an out of source build using `nmake`: .. code-block:: shell cd cpp mkdir build cd build cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. cmake --build . --config Release nmake Debug builds ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build Debug version of Arrow you should have pre-installed a Debug version of Boost. It's recommended to configure cmake build with the following variables for Debug build: * ``-DARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED=OFF``: enables static linking with boost debug libs and simplifies run-time loading of 3rd parties * ``-DBOOST_ROOT``: sets the root directory of boost libs. (Optional) * ``-DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR``: sets the directory with boost lib files. (Optional) The command line to build Arrow in Debug will look something like this: .. code-block:: shell cd cpp mkdir build cd build cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ^ -DARROW_BOOST_USE_SHARED=OFF ^ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ^ -DBOOST_ROOT=C:/local/boost_1_63_0 ^ -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:/local/boost_1_63_0/lib64-msvc-14.0 cmake --build . --config Debug Windows dependency resolution issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because Windows uses `.lib` files for both static and dynamic linking of dependencies, the static library sometimes may be named something different like ``%PACKAGE%_static.lib`` to distinguish itself. If you are statically linking some dependencies, we provide some options * ``-DBROTLI_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%BROTLI_SUFFIX%`` * ``-DSNAPPY_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%SNAPPY_SUFFIX%`` * ``-LZ4_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%LZ4_SUFFIX%`` * ``-ZSTD_MSVC_STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX=%ZSTD_SUFFIX%`` To get the latest build instructions, you can reference `ci/appveyor-built.bat `_, which is used by automated Appveyor builds. Statically linking to Arrow on Windows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Arrow headers on Windows static library builds (enabled by the CMake option ``ARROW_BUILD_STATIC``) use the preprocessor macro ``ARROW_STATIC`` to suppress dllimport/dllexport marking of symbols. Projects that statically link against Arrow on Windows additionally need this definition. The Unix builds do not use the macro. Replicating Appveyor Builds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For people more familiar with linux development but need to replicate a failing appveyor build, here are some rough notes from replicating the ``Static_Crt_Build`` (make unittest will probably still fail but many unit tests can be made with there individual make targets). 1. Microsoft offers trial VMs for `Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio `_. Download and install a version. 2. Run the VM and install CMake and Miniconda or Anaconda (these instructions assume Anaconda). 3. Download `pre-built Boost debug binaries `_ and install it (run from command prompt opened by "Developer Command Prompt for MSVC 2017"): .. code-block:: shell cd $EXTRACT_BOOST_DIRECTORY .\bootstrap.bat @rem This is for static libraries needed for static_crt_build in appvyor .\b2 link=static -with-filesystem -with-regex -with-system install @rem this should put libraries and headers in c:\Boost 4. Activate ananaconda/miniconda: .. code-block:: shell @rem this might differ for miniconda C:\Users\User\Anaconda3\Scripts\activate 5. Clone and change directories to the arrow source code (you might need to install git). 6. Setup environment variables: .. code-block:: shell @rem Change the build type based on which appveyor job you want. SET JOB=Static_Crt_Build SET GENERATOR=Ninja SET APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE=Visual Studio 2017 SET USE_CLCACHE=false SET ARROW_BUILD_GANDIVA=OFF SET ARROW_LLVM_VERSION=7.0.* SET PYTHON=3.6 SET ARCH=64 SET ARROW_BUILD_TOOLCHAIN=%CONDA_PREFIX%\Library SET PATH=C:\Users\User\Anaconda3;C:\Users\User\Anaconda3\Scripts;C:\Users\User\Anaconda3\Library\bin;%PATH% SET BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=C:\Boost\lib SET BOOST_ROOT=C:\Boost 7. Run appveyor scripts: .. code-block:: shell .\ci\appveyor-install.bat @rem this might fail but at this point most unit tests should be buildable by there individual targets @rem see next line for example. .\ci\appveyor-build.bat cmake --build . --config Release --target arrow-compute-hash-test Apache Parquet Development ========================== To build the C++ libraries for Apache Parquet, add the flag ``-DARROW_PARQUET=ON`` when invoking CMake. The Parquet libraries and unit tests can be built with the ``parquet`` make target: .. code-block:: shell make parquet Running ``ctest -L unittest`` will run all built C++ unit tests, while ``ctest -L parquet`` will run only the Parquet unit tests. The unit tests depend on an environment variable ``PARQUET_TEST_DATA`` that depends on a git submodule to the repository https://github.com/apache/parquet-testing: .. code-block:: shell git submodule update --init export PARQUET_TEST_DATA=$ARROW_ROOT/cpp/submodules/parquet-testing/data Here ``$ARROW_ROOT`` is the absolute path to the Arrow codebase. Arrow Flight RPC ================ In addition to the Arrow dependencies, Flight requires: * gRPC (>= 1.14, roughly) * Protobuf (>= 3.6, earlier versions may work) * c-ares (used by gRPC) By default, Arrow will try to download and build these dependencies when building Flight. The optional ``flight`` libraries and tests can be built by passing ``-DARROW_FLIGHT=ON``. .. code-block:: shell cmake .. -DARROW_FLIGHT=ON -DARROW_BUILD_TESTS=ON make You can also use existing installations of the extra dependencies. When building, set the environment variables ``gRPC_ROOT`` and/or ``Protobuf_ROOT`` and/or ``c-ares_ROOT``. We are developing against recent versions of gRPC, and the versions. The ``grpc-cpp`` package available from https://conda-forge.org/ is one reliable way to obtain gRPC in a cross-platform way. You may try using system libraries for gRPC and Protobuf, but these are likely to be too old. On macOS, you can try `Homebrew `_: .. code-block:: shell brew install grpc Development Conventions ======================= This section provides some information about some of the abstractions and development approaches we use to solve problems common to many parts of the C++ project. Memory Pools ~~~~~~~~~~~~ We provide a default memory pool with ``arrow::default_memory_pool()``. As a matter of convenience, some of the array builder classes have constructors which use the default pool without explicitly passing it. You can disable these constructors in your application (so that you are accounting properly for all memory allocations) by defining ``ARROW_NO_DEFAULT_MEMORY_POOL``. Header files ~~~~~~~~~~~~ We use the ``.h`` extension for C++ header files. Any header file name not containing ``internal`` is considered to be a public header, and will be automatically installed by the build. Error Handling and Exceptions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For error handling, we use ``arrow::Status`` values instead of throwing C++ exceptions. Since the Arrow C++ libraries are intended to be useful as a component in larger C++ projects, using ``Status`` objects can help with good code hygiene by making explicit when a function is expected to be able to fail. For expressing invariants and "cannot fail" errors, we use DCHECK macros defined in ``arrow/util/logging.h``. These checks are disabled in release builds and are intended to catch internal development errors, particularly when refactoring. These macros are not to be included in any public header files. Since we do not use exceptions, we avoid doing expensive work in object constructors. Objects that are expensive to construct may often have private constructors, with public static factory methods that return ``Status``. There are a number of object constructors, like ``arrow::Schema`` and ``arrow::RecordBatch`` where larger STL container objects like ``std::vector`` may be created. While it is possible for ``std::bad_alloc`` to be thrown in these constructors, the circumstances where they would are somewhat esoteric, and it is likely that an application would have encountered other more serious problems prior to having ``std::bad_alloc`` thrown in a constructor.